District Committees
What is participatory governance?
The Board of Governors of the California Community Colleges has adopted regulations setting “…minimum standards governing procedures established by governing boards in community college districts to ensure faculty, staff, and students the right to participate effectively in district and college governance, and the opportunity to express their opinions at the campus level and to ensure that their opinions are given every reasonable consideration…” (see Education Code Section 70901(b))
What is the role of classified employees in participatory governance?
Classified staff are guaranteed the opportunity to provide input in all areas that affect staff, “…for staff participation in governance outside of the arena of collective bargaining” (see "Minimum Standards for Staff Participation in Governance," Board of Governors, California Community Colleges, September 13-14, 1990). AB 1725 directs boards to provide opportunity for input, and ensure that the recommendations and opinions of faculty, students, and staff receive reasonable consideration.
Andrew Deaso, Chair - Ext. 25163
Danielle Heinbuch (Management) - Ext. 58970
Golden West College
Thomas Truong - Ext. 55133
Golden West College
Shannon O'Connor, Facilitator - Ext. 84713
District Office
Lisa Dupuy - Ext. 84721
District Office
Renate Akins (Management) - Ext. 16146
Coastline College
Ashley Lopez - Ext. 16154
Coastline College
Rebecca Morgan - Ext. 26861
Orange Coast College
Thu Nguyen - Ext. 25940
Orange Coast College
"Every advance in this half-century - Social Security, civil rights, Medicare, aid to education, one after another - came with the support and leadership of American Labor."
- President Jimmy Carter

Tom Tran, Chair - Ext. 17417
Coastline College
Sheila Cox - Ext. 58316
Golden West College
Elizabeth Myers - Ext. 55130
Golden West College
Kerry Jones - Ext. 16629
Coastline College
Kevin Riley - Ext. 84885
District Office
Kristen Hickman - Ext. 26415
Orange Coast College
Linda Tiger - Ext. 26378
Orange Coast College
Monica Marin - Ext. 84794
District Office
Danielle Heinbuch - Ext. 58970
Golden West College
Connie Ramos - Ext. 84623
District Office
Nicole Lloyd - Ext. 25753
Orange Coast College
Pete Durkin - Ext. 84631
Alternate - Golden West College
Wellness Committee
Co-Chair: Dorothy McCollom - Ext: 16206, CCC
Co-Chair: Elizabeth Parker - Ext: 25707, OCC
Administrative Support:
Chris Hall - Ext. 84869, DIST
Classified/Confidential -4:
Kyla Bentley - Ext: 84719, DIST
Elizabeth Parker-Ext: 25707,OCC
Dorothy McCollom- Ext: 16206,CCC
JuliAnn Powers - Ext: 55275, GWC
Faculty - 4
Daryl Isaac, CFE, OCC
Courtney Nix, CCA, OCC
Deboroah Goldstick, GWC/Benefits
Advisory Committee Liaison
Michael Scott, CCC
Monica Marin, DIST
Danielle Heinbuch, GWC
Kelly Daly, OCC
Vacant, CCC
Benefits Advisory Committee
Convener -
Chair - Deborah Goldstick
Voting Members:
Vacant | Confidential/Recorder
Connie Marten | President – CFCE
Shannon O’Connor | CDMA Representative
Rob Schneiderman | President – CFE
Vacant | Academic Management Representative
Vacant | CCA Representative
Non-Voting Members:
Lynn Black | District – Benefits Coordinator
Crystal Crane | Director – HR
Nadine Davis | Faculty – RN, Retired
Dr. Andy Dunn | Ex Officio, Vice Chancellor – Admin. Svcs.
Bob Fey | CFE/AFT
Deborah Goldstick | CFE/AFT
Monica Marin | Manager - Benefits
Margaret Rossi | CFCE
Elizabeth Sykes |
Daniela Thompson | Administrative Director – Fiscal Affairs
Dr. John Tortarolo Interim Vice Chancellor – HR
Vickie West | Ex Officio, Alliant Consultant