Agency Fee
What is Agency Fee?
The phrase "Agency Fee" refers to the union's ability to collect money from bargaining unit members, as provided by law 1,2,3 to pay for activities such as contract negotiation, grievances, arbitrations, and lobbying activities to foster collective bargaining negotiations. Because the Coast Federation of Classified Employees (CFCE) is obligated to handle all contract negotiations and grievance resolution on behalf of all classified employees within the bargaining unit, the law provides for the collection of dues from each member of the bargaining unit in order to provide the financial funding required to carry out the Union's responsibility to each bargaining unit member.
Who Belongs to the CFCE Bargaining Unit?
According to California State Law, every classified employee working for the Coast Community College District is represented by the Coast Federation of Classified Employees (CFCE), AFT Local 4794, except for management, supervisory, and confidential employees. This was determined by California's Public Employment Relations Board (PERB) when the CFCE was initially certified. The Collective Bargaining Agreement states that The Board of Trustees of the Coast Community College District recognizes the Coast Federation of Classified Employees, Local 4794, as the sole and exclusive bargaining agent for all classified employees as certified by PERB Unit Determination #LA-R-797A, except those as designated as management, supervisory, confidential, and those classified employees who are members of the exclusive bargaining unit represented by the International Photographers of the Motion Picture Industries, Local 659 of the International Alliance of Theatrical Stage Employees. The District agrees to negotiate exclusively with the Federation through the provisions of the Educational Employment Relations Act.
How is the Agency Fee Collected?
The agency fee will normally be collected through a payroll deduction each month.
How much is the Agency Fee?
The agency fee is the same dollar value as the CFCE membership dues. Dues and agency fee are both set at $63/month (for 10 months).
1Educational Employment Relations Act, 3540.1(i), 3546, 3546.3.
2U.S. Supreme Court, Abood v. Detroit Bd. of Educ., 431 U.S. 209 (1977).
3California Government Code 3502.5, 3543.
"Courage is more exhilarating than fear, and in the long run it is easier.""
- Eleanor Roosevelt